The terms of use of State Guest Houses’ (SGH) website Use of the content of SGH website
Unless separate terms of use are applied, anyone is free to use information disclosed on this website (hereinafter called the "content") in accordance with the following provisions of 1 to 6, including reproduction, public transmission, or adaptation, such as translation and modification. It may be used for commercial purposes as well. In addition, numerical data, simple tables or graphs are not subject to copyright and these terms of use do not apply to them; anyone is thus free to use them. When you use the content, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of use.
1. Indication of the source
When you use the content, ensure that the source is indicated. How to indicate the source is as described below:
(Example of how to indicate the source)
Source: Cabinet Office State Guest Houses website (URL on the relevant page)
Source: "XX Survey" (Cabinet Office State Guest Houses) (URL on the relevant page) (used on month/date/year), etc. -
When you use the content by editing or processing it, indicate that it has been edited or processed in addition to the aforementioned indication of the source. You are not allowed to disclose or use the edited or processed content as if it were prepared by the government (ministries or agencies).
(Example of how to indicate use of the edited or processed content)
Prepared by processing the "XX Report" (Cabinet Office State Guest Houses) (URL on the relevant page)
Prepared by XX Co., Ltd. based on the "XX Survey" (Cabinet Office State Guest Houses) (URL on the relevant page)
2. Ensure that no third party's right is infringed.
- A third party (other than the country; the same applies hereinafter) may own copyright or any other right to some of the content. As for the content of which a third party owns copyright or any other right (e.g. portrait rights of pictures and publicity rights) unless it is explicitly indicated that its rights have been processed, the user shall obtain the relevant third party's approval of use on his/her own responsibility.
- As for content to which rights are owned by a third party, some indicate or suggest directly or indirectly that a third party owns the rights through an indication of the source and others but others do not identify or clearly indicate the part to which they own the rights. When using such content, the user is required to confirm it on his/her own responsibility.
- Regarding information of any linked source other than Cabinet Office SGH website or content acquired through API (Application Programming Interface) linked with external database and others, comply with the terms of use of such source.
- There are cases where you may use the content to which copyright or other rights are owned by a third party as quotations, which is allowed in compliance with the Copyright Act, for instance, without obtaining the copyright holder's approval.
3. Content to which the terms of use do not apply
The terms of use are not applicable to the following content:
- Symbols, logos and character designs that represent an organization or a specific business
- Content that explicitly indicates the application of separate terms of use with an explanation of specific and reasonable grounds.
4. Governing law and agreed jurisdiction
- These terms of use shall be interpreted in accordance with the Japanese laws.
- The municipal court where the organization is located that discloses the content or the terms of use shall be designated as the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of first instance should any conflict arise as to the use of the content in accordance with the terms of use and/or the terms of use.
5. Disclaimer
- The government shall take no responsibility for any and all actions that the user takes by using the content (including the use of information by editing or processing the content).
- The content may be changed, transferred or deleted without any advance notice.
6. Others
- The terms of use shall not restrict the use permitted under the Copyright Act, such as quotations.
- The terms of use are stipulated as of March 31, 2018. They comply with the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use (Version 2.0). The terms of use may be changed in the future. If you are using the content in compliance with the previous version of the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use, the terms shall remain applicable.
- The terms of use are compatible with those of copyright stipulated under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (go to Creative Commons Corporation website) at (hereinafter called "CC BY 4.0"). The content to which the terms of use apply may be used in compliance with CC BY 4.0 as well.