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Main Entrance

The front entrance appears with a background of blue skies. The green roof reflects the sunlight well. In the foreground, white stone tiles spread out in the forecourt.

The Welcoming Face of Kyoto Guest House

Guests from overseas are greeted with a distinctly Japanese ambience.


The front entrance is photographed here diagonally from the edge of the forecourt. The sky extends large and blue, and one can tell from this photo that the forecourt and the building are very large.

Created in Contemporary Japanese Style

Contemporary Japanese style fuses the panache and beauty rooted in Japan's long architectural tradition with modern construction methods. While the building utilizes steel, concrete, and state-of-the-art technology, the interior makes ample use of wood and paper to create a truly Japanese space.

The doors of the front entrance appear in the center of the photo. Panes of glass are installed on either side of the doors, and the forecourt reflects in them, mirror-like.

A Door Hewn from a 700-year-old Japanese Elm

The main entrance doors are made of solid wood, taken from a 700-year-old zelkova serrata tree—also known as Japanese elm—from Fukui Prefecture. The bronze handles are ornamented with understated cloisonné with a motif of kumihimo braided cords.

A corridor extends straight ahead. A kimono is on display at the end of the corridor, and in the middle of the corridor, before the front entrance is a flower arrangement. The flooring reflects the light from paper lanterns, and the light passing through the sliding paper doors of the hallway.

Wood and Paper

The floorboards are Japanese elm, treated for scratch-resistance. There are no curtains in the facility. Instead, the windows are fitted inside with shoji screens.

In this photo, the door connecting the front entrance and the corridor is open. A flower arrangement has been placed beyond the doors. A gold folding screen stands behind the flower arrangement, and a red carpet is spread below the flower vase.

Ikebana, a Symbol of Welcome to Honored Guests

A floral arrangement is created whenever dignitaries are being hosted. Flower vases, folding screen, and flowers are chosen in accordance with the visitor's tastes and the characteristics of the country.

In this photo, a paper lantern set on the floor emits warm light in the dim hallway. Just behind the lantern are sliding paper doors. The lantern's design is evocative of origami.

Lamps Inspired by Origami

The lamps—called andon—are made of Mino paper using Kyoto's traditional joinery technique, constructed entirely without nails or metal parts.