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Visitors are welcome to visit the Gardens (Front and Main Gardens).
Visiting area Gardens (Front and Main Gardens)
Estimated tour time About 30 to 45 minutes
Admission General: 300 yen, University Students & under : Free admission
* University, Junior & Senior High school students will be asked to present their student ID card or student notebook.
* Admission is exempted for persons with a valid physical disability certificate, nursing certificate, mental disability certificate, war injury certificate, or A-bomb survivor’s certificate, and up to one chaperone. Please present your document at the reception on the day of your visit.
How to visit No reservation required.
*Entry into the building may be restricted depending on crowd conditions.
*The entrance is located at the West Gate (Gakushuin Primary School side). Visitors are not permitted to re-enter the building.
*Please purchase an admission ticket after checking in at reception (inspection of baggage, personal belongings, etc.).
* Photography is allowed (No photography in the buildings)
Open hours 10:00-17:00(Reception closes at 16:30)

Cautionary Notes

  • ● In the event of receiving distinguished guests at short notice, the scheduled public opening may be suddenly cancelled; please check the latest Public Opening Schedule before your visit. We will announce a change of the schedule on X as well.
  • ● Parking is prohibited near the West Gate. Please do not park buses, taxis, or other vehicles there.
  • ● Visitors under the influence of alcohol may be refused for reasons of the facility’s protection.