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The Cabinet Office State Guest Houses Official Social Media Account Management Policy SNS Policy

1. General Provisions

This policy shall stipulate the matters regarding the management of accounts and others of the following SNS or word-of-mouth websites (hereinafter called the "SNS and others") that the Cabinet Office State Guest Houses manage:

  1. X
  2. Instagram
  3. TripAdvisor
  4. YouTube

2. Basic policy

The SNS and others shall transmit information and others on the SGH Akasaka Palace and Kyoto State Guest House as needed with the aim of helping the general public deepen their understanding and awareness of their appeals and roles as the state's facilities to welcome foreign dignitaries and enhancing convenience of public opening and other occasions.

3. Content of Information to be Transmitted

  1. Information on the promotion of understanding of the Cabinet Office State Guest Houses (including video and images)
  2. Information on public opening of the Cabinet Office SGH Akasaka Palace and Kyoto State Guest House
  3. Information on updates on articles posted on the Cabinet Office State Guest Houses website

4. Disclaimer

  • Though we try our best to ensure the accuracy of information posted on the SNS and others, we shall take no responsibility for any and all actions that that user takes by using the said information.
  • Please be advised that we shall take no responsibility for trouble that arises between the users in connection with the SNS and others or damage suffered thereby, or trouble that arises between the user and a third party in connection with the SNS and others or damage suffered thereby.
  • Copyright and others associated with posts, such as comments, shall belong to the user who posted it but the user shall be deemed to have allowed us to use his/her post free of charge, nonexclusively and worldwide and agreed not to exercise copyright and others to us by posting such content on the SNS and others.
  • Other than the aforementioned, we shall take no responsibility for any and all damage that has arisen in connection with our account.

5. Intellectual Property Right

Intellectual property right to photographs, illustrations, sound, video, articles, etc. on the SNS and others shall belong to the Cabinet Office State Guest Houses or the one who owns the legitimate right. You are free to use functions, such as "Like," "Follow" and "Retweet," on the SNS and others. In addition, you are allowed to reprint them by specifying the source. This shall not apply if it notes that "all rights reserved," for instance, however.

6. Points of Attention

  • This management policy may change without any advance notice. In managing the SNS and others, we may hide, delete or reject part or all of any comment that is deemed to be irrelevant to posts or fall under any of the following without any advance notice:
  • Comments and others that violate or may violate any law, ordinance and others
  • Comments and others that offend public order and morals
  • Comments and others that promote criminal conduct
  • Comments and others that abuse a particular individual, company or organization
  • Comments and others that infringe the Cabinet Office or a third party's intellectual property rights, such as copyright, trademark and portrait right
  • Comments and others that infringe an individual's privacy, including by identifying, disclosing or leaking personal information without his/her consent
  • Comments and others for profit, such as advertisement, publicity, soliciting or sales activities
  • Comments and others for political and religions activities
  • Comments and others that are false or different from the fact materially
  • Comments and others that discriminate against races, thought, beliefs and others or promote such discrimination
  • Comments and others sent by one who pretends to be any other user or a third party
  • Comments and others that modify part or all of information that we transmitted
  • Comments and others that are not relevant to information that we transmit
  • Comments and others whose content is the same or similar posted by the same user repeatedly
  • Other information that we judge inappropriate and its links etc. that contain such content