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May 27, 2019 The Honorable Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, and Mrs. Melania Trump United States of America

Photograph of Prime Minister and Mrs. Shinzo Abe, President and First Lady of the United States of America.

Memorial photography (Main Entrance)

Prime Minister Abe and President Trump go up the main stairs for their Summit Meeting.

Going up the stairs (Main Stairs)

Prime Minister Abe and President Trump face the media corps at their Joint Press Conference in Hagoromo no Ma.

Joint Press Conference (Hagoromo no Ma)

Prime Minister and Mrs. Shinzo Abe, President and First Lady of the United States of America are Meeting with families of DPRK abductees in Sairan no Ma.

Meeting with families of DPRK abductees (Sairan no Ma)

Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting in Asahi no Ma.

Bilateral Summit meeting (Asahi no Ma)

First Lady of the United States of America watches traditional Japanese dancing during the Japanese cultural event with Mrs. Abe in the Main Room of the Japanese-Style Annex.

Cultural Event for the First Lady (Main Room, Japanese-Style Annex)

                                                                              【Link to “Japanese Government Internet TV”】                                                      Meeting with families of DPRK abductees                                                                                    Japan-U.S. Joint Press Conference