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Commemorative photography with H.E. Dr. Mulatu Teshome Wirtu, Former President Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.(Asahi-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Mr. Andrej BABIS, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic.(Sairan-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Mrs. Kersti KALJULAID, President of Republic of Estonia.(Asahi-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Mr. Rumen RADEV, President of the Republic of Bulgaria.(Sairan-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Dr. Laaya JONEIDI, Vice President for legal affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran.(Asahi-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Ms. Salome ZOURABICHVILI, President of Georgia.(Sairan-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Mr. Laurentino CORTIZO Cohen, President of Republic of Panama.(Asahi-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.R.H. Prince Moulay Rachid, Kingdom of Morocco.(Sairan-no-ma)
【Link to “Japanese Government Internet TV”】
Bilateral Meetings with Participants of the « Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi »(8)