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23.May.2022 The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States of America United States of America

Welcome ceremony for President Biden.

Welcome Ceremony(Front Garden)

Photograph of Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio, President  of the United States of America Joseph Biden.

Commemorative photograph (Main Entrance)
*Photo: Official Website of the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet

Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting in Asahi-no-Ma.

Bilateral Summit Meeting (Asahi-no-ma)

Inspection of Japan-U.S. space cooperation exibits in the large hall.

Inspection of Japan-U.S. space cooperation exibits (large hall)
*Photo: Official Website of the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet

Prime Minister KISHIDA and President Biden face the media corps at their Joint Press Conference in Hagoromo-no-Ma.

Joint Press Conference (Hagoromo-no-Ma)

Prime Minister KISHIDA and President Biden are meeting with families of DPRK abductees in Sairan-no-Ma.

Meeting with families of DPRK abductees (Sairan-no-Ma)
*Photo: Official Website of the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet

【Link to “Japanese Government Internet TV”】 
Bilateral Summit Meeting
Joint Press Conference