Bilateral Meetings with Prime Minister Abe and Participants of the “Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi”, Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor at the Seiden(Day 5)
October 25, 2019Bilateral Meetings with Prime Minister Abe and Participants of the “Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi”, Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor at the Seiden(Day 5)
Commemorative photography with H.S.H. Prince ALBERT II of Monaco.(Asahi-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.R.H. Grand Duke HENRI of Luxembourg.(Sairan-no-ma)
Commemorative photography with H.E. Mr. Egils LEVITS, President of the Republic of Latvia.(Asahi-no-ma)